Static archive of the Sticking Point website |
In 1997, Tim Valentine set up a pioneering, comprehensive website on the sport of knife throwing, which he called Sticking Point. He put together details on the different throwing styles, knives, targets, and a list of books on the topic. In the following years, he published the dates of knife thrower competitions, and created a database of the tournament results. In ten years, around one hundred and twenty thousand visitors came to Sticking Point to learn about the sport. In 2004, personal reasons prevented Tim Valentine to continue working on the pages. They had to change location, and would eventually disappear. To preserve all the valuable articles and pieces of information for the knife throwing community, with the blessing of Tim Valentine a complete archive copy of the pages was created at The archive is unchanging (except if linked sites move), and available for many years to come. The archive is a part of, where you can also contact the maintainer of this archive, Christian Thiel, and consult the privacy policy. For the archive, the original disclaimer and copyright notice also still apply, hence the copyright still remains with Tim Valentine. |
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Links |
The original address of the Sticking Point was, later it moved to (where it might still be available). As mentioned above, the archive is static and unchanging. The exception is that when a site that was linked from Sticking Point moves, we update this link. Some links were pointing to sites that vanished from the internet, find their original addresses in the list below. When you jumped here from a page clicking on such a broken link, the respective list entry should be the one visible right on top of this page. If it is not, look for the number in the address bar, and match it to the one in the list.
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Nothing to see here, go away. This empty space is just to ensure that the right old-link-line appears at the top of the screen. |